Message Regarding Our COVID-19 Policies

Safe Shores – The DC Children’s Advocacy Center is committed to being a safe, helpful, and trustworthy resource, available to everyone who needs our services and support. Due to COVID-19, we are observing federal and local government public health protection guidelines. Upon arrival, visitors will complete a COVID-19 screening (questions and temperature check) and may be asked to wear a mask. If you have recently had COVID-19, you must wear a mask on the premises for the full 10 days from the date of exposure or infection, consistent with DC Health Department and CDC guidance.

To report suspected child abuse in the District of Columbia call 1-202-671-SAFE(7233)
To report suspected internet crimes against children, contact

Guardianes de los niños® (Español)

Stewards of Children® enseña a los adultos mediante entrevistas a los sobrevivientes de abuso sexual de menores, expertos y proveedores de tratamiento para víctimas cuáles son las medidas prácticas que pueden tomar para reducir los casos de abuso sexual de menores en sus organizaciones, familias y comunidades.

Promoción del desarrollo sexual saludable © (Español)

La capacitación de Promoción del desarrollo sexual saludable© ayuda a los participantes a comprender mejor el desarrollo sexual de los niños, como responder a las conductas y preguntas sexuales de los niños de manera que promuevan un desarrollo saludable.

Writing to Wellness™ with C. Thomas

Participants will learn helpful tips via discussion on how to navigate healing through expressive forms of creative writing, how to advocate for others and how to build a safe space for self-care.