Safe Shores is committed to respecting the privacy of all members of our community, including the privacy of our donors.
Information Collected. Here are the types of donor information that we collect and maintain:
- contact information: name, organization/company, mailing address(es), phone number(s) and whether you consent to receive text messages, email address(es)
- donation information: amounts donated, date of donation(s), donation method(s), whether in-kind or monetary
- information concerning your volunteer service at Safe Shores
- email correspondence or notes on in-person or phone correspondence
- communication preferences
How Information is Used. Safe Shores uses your data to maintain records of donations, send acknowledgements, mail year-end tax statements to you, send newsletters, notices and direct mail pieces, and for internal marketing purposes.
Safe Shores does not generally list supporters’ names, whether individuals or entities, in any publications or on social media. Any public mention of a donor’s support of Safe Shores will first be approved by the donor in question.
Donors participating in a peer-to-peer campaign through Funraise – a fundraising platform Safe Shores utilizes to enable supporters to run their own fundraising campaigns on our behalf – may choose for their donations to be anonymous. If they do not elect for their gift to be anonymous, Safe Shores may disclose the list of donors to the supporter who facilitated the fundraiser, to enable them to thank you for your participation. However, we would not disclose the amount of your gift to the facilitator.
At times, Safe Shores may request to share written comments on our website or social media, to help illustrate our work and the importance of community support. You have the right to deny this request or to request that it be shared anonymously.
Credit card or banking numbers submitted to Safe Shores through the mail are entered into our secure system for processing, scanned to retain proof that we had permission to charge the account, and then destroyed. Any scans containing credit card or banking information will be redacted, leaving only the last 4 numbers.
Gifts made directly online are processed directly through Bloomerang Payments, our secure donation processor. The only information our staff can see is what the method of payment is (direct debit from your bank account versus debit/credit card); if a card, what type (Visa, Amex, etc); the expiration date (for cards); and the last four digits of the card or account.
Donors who make a gift online are automatically added to our email list. Donors who make gifts through other methods will be asked whether they wish to receive emails before being added to the list. Donors who provide information on a mailing address may receive limited mailings through the postal service, unless you request otherwise. Any third-party mailing service Safe Shores utilizes for mailings will be contractually required to treat the lists with confidentiality and prohibited from transferring them elsewhere.
No Sharing of Personal Information.
- Safe Shores will never sell your personal or contact information. Apart from donors participating in a public Funraise campaign, we will seek explicit permission should we ever wish to share your contact information with someone.
- Use of donor information will be limited to the internal purposes of Safe Shores and only to further the mission of Safe Shores. Nevertheless, security measures may not prevent all losses, and Safe Shores is not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to security failures.
- Safe Shores does not buy mailing lists. Anyone receiving communications from Safe Shores has voluntarily provided their contact information to the organization.
Removing Your Name from Our Mailing List. Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list. Email or call (202) 645-3244.
Updating Your Information in Our System. Should you ever wish to update your information in our system – how we address you, your contact information or communication preferences, etc. – you may do so by emailing or calling (202) 645-3244.
This policy was last updated December 1st, 2023.