Jump to: How is Holiday Giving different this year? Get Involved Frequently Asked Questions A Special Year to Spread Cheer Dear Friend of Safe Shores – Each December, our team is inspired and moved by the generosity of donors who give their time and resources to ensure Safe Shoes' clients receive holiday gifts. We ♥️ the tradition of ...
Safe Shores’ July Scoop: Pack2School, BIPOC Mental Wellness, New Staff & More
Check out the latest news from Safe Shores' July 2020 Newsletter. Our Clients Need YOU! To those who have already given to our 2020 Pack2School Drive: THANK YOU! You have helped get us halfway to our goal. If you haven’t heard about our Pack2School initiative or are considering donating, please read below about Safe Shores’ efforts to ...
DoMore, If You Can: Help Child Victims Get the Support They Need During COVID-19 and 5 Reasons to Donate to Safe Shores on #GivingTuesdayNow
For the past several years on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving in the US, the #GivingTuesday movement has inspired millions of people to donate money in support of countless nonprofit organizations across the globe. Similarly, United Way’s DoMore24 online giving campaign each June has endeavored mobilize online charitable giving to local ...
April 2020 is Still Child Abuse Prevention Month… Now More than Ever
COVID-19 and Child Abuse An increase in child abuse of all types is expected during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there may not be a corresponding increase in incidents of reported child abuse until children return to school. Already, data from jurisdictions around the country are revealing dramatic drops in the rate of child abuse reports—in ...