Even though Child Abuse Prevention Month 2021 is coming to a close, the need for intervention and prevention doesn’t go away. As long as children are being abused, they need our help. That means Safe Shores’ work must continue. We’re counting on you to make that happen.
Your monthly donation can be a convenient way for you to support our mission and ensure a reliable source of funding without worrying about your commitment lapsing.
How can you become a sustaining donor? Visit our donation page, enter the amount you’d like to donate each period, then select the box that reads, “Show my support by making this a recurring donation.” Then, choose to repeat your donation monthly as illustrated below.

No matter the day, month or year, it’s always the right time to protect children; and, preventing child abuse has always got to be a top priority. Your ongoing support enables Safe Shores to carry out this vital work, which includes not only providing lifesaving services to child victims and their families, but also equipping adults with the skills to recognize, respond to and prevent child abuse.